Friday, June 20, 2014

Ruccula with Prosciutto and Avocado

Jeg elsker parma skinke, og jeg tror ikke jeg er den eneste derude! Det er bare en af de mange super lækre råvarer fra Italien, som jo nok er det land i verden, som har de bedste madvarer, hvis du spørger mig. Nå, men derfor tænkte jeg, at jeg ville lave en lille salat med parmaskinke var inkluderet, og her er, hvad jeg kom op med.

As I've told you plenty of times before I love salad. After I came back to Denmark I found that the Italian ham Prosciutto is a lot more common than in America here in Denmark. And with the love for Italy and Italian food that I have, I wanted to come up with a recipe for a salad where this delicatessen is included. 

handful ruccula
1-2 slices prosciutto
1/2 avocado
1 medium tomato
balsamico and olive oil

Wash ruccula and tomato. Cut avocado and tomato into slices. Cut prosciutto as well. Toss with the ruccula and drizzle balsamic and olive oil. 

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