One of my favorite snacks in the afternoon when you start to feel a little hungry is crisp bread with cream cheese and some kind of dressing. It's filling, and if you choose the right kind of bread you get a lot of good fats and other nutrients which are super good for you!! This is one of my favorite kinds.
0,5 dl (1/4 cup) chia seeds (chia frø)
0,5 dl (1/4 cup) pumpkin seeds (græskarkerner)
0,5 dl (1/4 cup) sunflower seeds (solsikkekerner)
0,5 dl (1/4 cup) gluten-free oats (havregryn)
0,5 dl (1/4 cup) buckwheat flour (boghvedemel)
2 tbsp flax seeds (hørfrø)
0,5 tsp salt
2,5 dl (1 1/4 cup) water
1 tbsp coconot oil
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