This Sunday my good friends and neighbors asked, if I wanted to come over and make some kind of family home evening lesson for them about Denmark, because their family is originally from there or something like that. So as I was thinking of what to do, it came to my mind that I had to make some kind of Danish treat. The Mother in that family happens to be allergic to gluten, so I had to think about that as well, and then it came to my mind that I should make these cream buns, as you would call them directly translated. It's basically just a crust of marzipan and then with a whipped cream of egg whites and sugar, and covered in chocolate. Super delicious, but kind of tricky to make!!
150 g. sukker
70 g. past. æggehvider
350 g. ren rå marcipan
250 g sukker
75g vand
110 g glykosesirup
140 g past. æggehvider
15 g sukker
20 g hindbær (evt marmelade, gerne mere end 20 g)
evt. kornene fra 1 vanillestang
Omkring 300 g chokolade
Frysetørrede hindbær til pynt.
Sådan gør du:
Bunde af kransekage:
Bland sukker og æggehvider i en lille skål og lad det stå og trække i en times tid, så sukkeret opløses i æggehviderne.
Ælt marcipan med sukker og æggehvide blandingen. Kom kransekagemassen op i en kraftig sprøjtepose, og sprøjt bunde ud på ca. 5 cm. i dia.
Bag dem i en forvarmet ovn på 190 grader i ca. 10 minutter.
Køl dem af i fryseren eller køleskabet.
Kom vand, glukosesirup, 250 gr. sukker og vanille i en helt ren gryde. Kog massen op til det når en temperatur på præcis 117 grader.
Når massen har en temperatur på ca.110 grader, piskes æggehviderne og 15 gr. sukker, så det er klar når sukkermassen er klar.
Mens maskinen kører på fuld speed, hældes den varme sukkermasse ned til de piskede hvider og sukker i røreskålen. Sukkermassen hældes ned i skålen i en lind stråle og nu skal flødebollemassen bare piske et sted mellem 7-10 minutter, til den er helt stiv.
Laver man hindbærboller, så tilsæt hindbær syltetøj nu.
Sprøjt toppe ud på alle bundende med en sprøjtepose.
Lad flødebollerne stå og trække i minimum 1 time inden de overtrækkes med chokolade.
Smelt/temperer chokoladen, dyp flødebollerne i chokoladen eller brug en ske til at overtrække dem. Drys med pynt og stil dem på køl indtil de skal serveres.
In English
2/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup egg whites
1 1/2 cup marzipan
Cream filling:
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup water
1/2 cup light sirup
2/3 cup pasteurized egg whites
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 cup raspberry jam
1 tsp vanilla
About 1 1/3 cup of chocolate
Freeze dried raspberries
Mix sugar and egg whites and let it sit for about an hour in refrigerator. Mix in the marzipan and fill in a pastry bag. Squeeze out on a baking sheet in small flat circles. Bake about 10 minutes at 350 F.
Take the "cookies" of the baking sheet and let cool down for about an hour in refrigerator while you make the cream filling.
Cream filling:
Put water, sirup, sugar, and vanilla in a small pot and heat to 242 degrees F. It's very important that it reaches this temperature so that it gets the right texture when you mix it with the egg whites.
Whisk egg whites and sugar when the sugar mixture is almost ready, and pour in the sugar sirup mixture slowly in a straight line into the stiff egg whites. Whisk it for another 7-10 minutes until it has a creamy texture.
If you want it with a raspberry flavor, put raspberry in now.
Fill mixture in a pastry bag and squeeze on top of the individual crusts.
Let them sit for about 1-2 hours before you cover them with chocolate.
Melt chocolate in microwave or over water steam, and coat the "cakes". This part can be kind of tricky. What I did was just put them on a baking rack and simply just pour the chocolate over with a spoon.
Sprinkle with freeze dried raspberry or shredded coconut.
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